You are here. The essence of you is in this moment. This was the message and journey we explored during my Costa Rica retreat a few weeks ago. Twelve women gathered and while I can't put into words how magical and powerful the experience was, I believe in everyone knowing and living their essence.
Retreats are an opportunity to slow down, relax, and listen to our inner wisdom. However, life is busy and filled with obligations. Sometimes we can't travel to gain a new perspective or take a break. No matter where you are though, remember that you are the architect of your own experiences, essence, and life.
What does essence really mean? To me, your essence is your essential self. Your true nature, the original state before the world told you otherwise. It is authentic, beyond labels, rooted in your soul, spirit, and energy. It is made up of the values you hold and the way you are, despite external influences. Strip away the labels, conditioning, achievements, and appearances. That is your essence.
How can you begin to reintroduce yourself to your essence? First, set yourself up for some quiet time with your journal. Have your favorite drink handy, turn off distractions, and take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes and bring all of your awareness and attention inward.
In your journal, write a few words, sentences, or images that represent your own essence. The qualities you radiate, your purest self. Rather than overthinking it, just give yourself 5-10 minutes to see what naturally comes onto the page. Next, from what you wrote select a few words or phrase that best describes you. What do those words or phrase mean? Define them - not from a dictionary, but from your own heart and soul.
Think about what obstacles block your essence. One obstacle might be uncertainty on where to begin. Or recognizing and naming what truly feels like you. It is challenging staying connected to your essence! We’ve all been there when life gets extra hard or hectic. List out those obstacles, and ask yourself, are these stories or facts? Are these obstacles solvable? If you look at them from a new perspective, without judgment and with creativity, do they have solutions? Look at the facts. Look at the stories you tell yourself. Then take time to rewrite these stories into something new. Something that embraces your essence.
Walking this journey alone can be, well, lonely. We heal and grow together. Think about who can support you in living your essence and navigating obstacles. Do you have a positive person in your life who lets you just be you? Are there ways to join a community for support? If you’re feeling lost about where to start, a retreat is a great place to begin. Local women’s circles, groups of like-minded people. These are spaces where you can reconnect. On retreat, you can come alone and enter a safe space with other women who are also looking to go deeper. What else can support you? Are there habits you’d like to do more of, less of, or stop altogether? Acknowledge how your essence gets blocked and explore how you can evolve to live it more fully. List out the support you need.
Close your journal and your eyes. Return to your inner world. Think about your essence. Who you are when you strip away the ego, fear, and judgment. Envision and inhale what you want to call into your life to support your essence. With each exhale, release the burdens and stories that hold you back from living your truth. Visualize experiences, moments, and situations where you are fully embodying your essence. Notice how that feels in your mind and heart.
Finally, write yourself a letter from your essence. Let it reflect your journey and gratitude, plus the courage you have. Write about overcoming obstacles, the support you received, the trust you’ve built, and the joy you’ve felt. This letter is from your essence to you. What does it want to say in this moment?
The essence I strive to embody and live fully every day is represented in the quote. "With brave wings, she flies." No matter how hard (or easy!) life feels, I will continue to tap into my courage and confidence to pursue my dreams. Ready to tap into your essence beyond this exercise? Meet me at my next retreat in Ojai, California in October!
“We must learn to get in touch with the innermost essence of our being. This true essence is beyond the ego. It is fearless; it is free; it is immune to criticism; it does not fear any challenge. It is beneath no one, superior to no one, and full of magic, mystery, and enchantment.” -Deepak Chopra