Hi everyone! An exciting blog post here about retreats with In The Flow. I love travel, love yoga, love retreats, and would love to have you join me on my next one! I know how awesome retreats are...sometimes even life changing! An opportunity to be with like-minded women, holding space for one another while exploring beautiful locations. A retreat is an invitation to yourself. To fill your cup, rest, heal, learn, grow, and live fully and wholeheartedly.
So, what are In The Flow retreats all about? I’ll start with three words - adventure, connection, harmony. They aren’t your typical yoga retreat. More of a travel experience, learning about new cultures and people, with yoga and wellness woven in. The planning is done for you and the time together is meant to bring us closer together in community.
We are going to DO stuff - the adventure! This may be a hike, bike tour, boat ride, visit waterfalls, a surf lesson, or ATV-ing. I plan and include cool experiences beyond yoga and relaxation. For you to try something different and step out of your comfort zone a little! I host retreats in places I have been that mean something to me. It’s important that I’ve experienced the energy and good vibes of the location and be excited to share it with you. Plus having knowledge on where we are going so you feel more comfortable being there. We may visit a local farm, invite a local healer, and learn about the culture. Discovering how the world feels both vast and intimate at the same time.
Connection is a huge part of my retreats. Small, intimate, and safe spaces for women to show up and be exactly who YOU are. From the moment you arrive, even if you’re coming alone, you’ll feel at home. With a big hug from me and activities to help us get to know each other. Not only will you make new friends, you’ll also learn from each other. We all have great stories and lessons we’ve acquired over the years. Sharing them (and possibly helping someone else) is incredibly powerful. We’ll do a lot of active listening, so everyone has time to express themselves and feel heard and supported.
I love the idea of a retreat as a space for you to take a break and uncover something new about yourself. With that in mind, I have a few guidelines I ask everyone to consider. First, give yourself a break from tech, social media, email, and work as much as you can. If you need to check in, I recommend a short window preferably not in the morning, to start your day with some "you time." I also provide healthy, pescatarian or vegetarian, whole-food meals. My retreat locations are alcohol and drug-free. That doesn’t mean a drink isn't allowed if we go out to dinner, but when we’re in our retreat space, I believe in being fully present and sober. One woman on our last retreat shared how nice it was to connect with other women without wine being involved every night. We also honor noble silence, typically from 9pm to 7am, to give you a break from talking and integration your retreat experience.
If this is your first retreat, solo trip, international travel, or new to yoga - it takes courage to sign up. I’ve been there! But you know what? You’ve made it this far into the blog post, and you’re still thinking about it…that means something! There’s a spark in you to try something new. I am here for you 150%. My retreats are organized, structured, and full of communication and support along the way. There is no level of yoga required or experience with anything. We are all starting from scratch together. Let me know how I can help because I know how transformative (and fun!) retreats can be.
And I can’t forget - harmony! A key part of the retreat experience. With all the connection, adventure, movement, meditation, and more, we are working toward something important. Creating more harmony in your life. Learning new ways to cultivate balance, calm, and inner peace - not just on retreat, but also when you return home.
Let’s chat about what you’re thinking! I’m here to support you - send me a note amy@intheyogaflow.com and check out upcoming retreats here. I hope to see you on Cape Cod or somewhere around the world soon!