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Your purpose is more than a job

Writer: Amy LittlefieldAmy Littlefield

How do you define what your life purpose is? For many years, I struggled separating what my purpose was from what I did for work. I worked in marketing, and while this didn’t feel aligned as my purpose, I couldn't separate the two and thought I was failing. I didn’t know where to find my purpose. I even took a group coaching program where the first session was all about purpose, and still, I couldn’t figure it out. What was anyone's life purpose? What was the purpose of mine?

This continues to be an area of growth for me. I don’t have a complete way to describe purpose, and wonder if I ever will. Still, there are some ideas I’ve learned and want to share that have given me clarity over the past few years about what purpose is.

Sharing your gifts with others and the world. Taking the time and doing the self-work to know who you are and how you can contribute to the people and places around you. We all have special talents, how we share them to make the world a better place is part of our purpose.

Living fully and wholeheartedly. Having rewarding experiences, healthy relationships, taking part in joy and pleasure, living a harmonious and fulfilling life. Eyes open, heart open living.

Being uniquely and authentically you. Allowing yourself to show up as yourself, just as you are, knowing you are worthy to do so. Releasing self-doubt and self-abandonment. Remembering when you shine your own beautiful light, you give others courage to do the same.

Defining and living your purpose is a one-person, solo path. Other people can’t define your purpose for you, nor can other people be the source of your purpose. Ultimately, your true purpose is 100% inside you and 100% independent of outside factors.

Purpose is a soul search. Not a search for a job, relationship, wealth, or something you can find on the internet. It takes reflective practices, time in solitude, and listening to what your soul has to say. Being quiet in the mind, feeling into the body, to help illuminate the way.

Your purpose is how you interact with the world. The energy you’ve been given and the energy you give out. It is both your connection to yourself and the universe.

Living on purpose takes effort. It is dynamic. It is using your potential to the fullest. It takes energy and the journey can be hard and long. It is also one of the most rewarding ways to live.

To end, I want to share one of my favorite quotes from Mary Oliver’s poem The Summer Day: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” I have thought of this quote often, and continue to reflect on what I plan to do with this one wild and precious life. Even though I love so much what I do now, if tomorrow I stopped teaching yoga or coaching, I would still have purpose. I am beyond my work, beyond any label that comes with it. Living wholeheartedly, on purpose, in each moment.

Mary Oliver The Summer Day Poem


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